InduSoft Web Studio 2020 R2 (20.0.1) Release Notes
Last revision: 2021-01-19
New Features and Other Enhancements
This is a summary of important features and enhancements that have been introduced in InduSoft Web Studio 2020 R2.
This is not a comprehensive list of all enhancements.
Standardized Names for Software Components
We have standardized the names of several of the components that make up our software:
Software Component | Name |
Project Development Environment | Studio |
Runtime for Windows and Windows Server | SCADA |
Runtime for Windows Embedded Standard | Embedded HMI |
Runtime for Windows Embedded Compact | Compact HMI |
Runtime for Linux | IoT View |
Improved Support for Industrial Graphics
We continued to improve support for the Industrial Graphics editor and symbol library, which works as a companion to our native graphics tools. In particular, we have done the following:
- Added the Edge Tag Browser, which allows you to browse your project tags and arrays from within Industrial Graphic Editor rather than manually type the tag names.
- Improved support for arrays, including arrays of classes and array index 0.
- Added an option to export your symbol library to a package that can be subsequently imported into other InduSoft Web Studio projects and other applications that support Industrial Graphics. Previously, you could only import existing symbol libraries into your project.
- Added support for element styles, including the ability to configure style properties and to import and export style libraries.
Improved Support for Mobile Access
We continued to improve support for our Mobile Access feature, which lets you use any HTML5-compatible browser to view project screens. More screen objects and built-in functions now work with Mobile Access, and the objects and functions that worked before work even better now. In particular, we have done the following:
- Implemented more options to adjust the X-axis (i.e., the period) in the Trend Control object, so that it behaves more like the Trend Control object in our traditional thin clients.
- Added support for indirect tags in the Trend Control object.
Performance improvements and enhancements for some "built-in" scripting functions, including:
- Open() with position and at cursor location (Enhancement)
- Database functions (Performance)
- File functions (Enhancement)
We also continued to improve the Mobile Access web interface, similar to how we have updated the user interface (UI) for the project development environment.
Please note that Mobile Access is intended to be the next-generation replacement for our traditional, ActiveX-based thin clients. We recommend you update your projects to take advantage of Mobile Access, if you have not already done so.
Improved Version of IoT View
We continued to improve the IoT View runtime edition, which lets you run your projects on Linux-based embedded devices. In particular, we have done the following:
- Significantly improved support for Alarms, Events, and Trends so that you can save historical data to proprietary files and external databases.
- Extended support for tag properties, including alarm-related properties (e.g., HiHi) and startup values.
- Added support for indirect tags.
- Added support for Scheduler worksheets.
- Created Linux-compatible versions of the TI500 and MQTT Sparkplug B communication drivers.
- Improved run-time stability and performance.
Deprecated or Removed Features
This is a summary of features that have been deprecated or removed in InduSoft Web Studio 2020 R2.
Support for Wibu-Systems Dongles on Windows Embedded Compact
Due to changes in the driver software, we can no longer support the use of Wibu-Systems dongles (a.k.a. hardkeys) to license the Compact HMI runtime for Windows Embedded Compact. There are two possible alternatives:
- Replace your Compact HMI hardkey licenses with equivalent softkey licenses; or
- Upgrade your runtime stations from Windows Embedded Compact to Windows Embedded Standard, and then use Embedded HMI instead of Compact HMI to run your InduSoft Web Studio projects.
If neither of these alternatives are feasible for you, you should not use InduSoft Web Studio 2020 R2.
Issues Resolved in This Release
This is a list of important issues that have been resolved in InduSoft Web Studio 2020 R2. This is not a comprehensive list of all resolved issues.
Issues Reported by Our Users
These are issues that were reported by our users and then logged in our customer relationship management system. If you reported an issue to us, you should have been given a Service Request (SR) or Issue Management System (IMS) number at that time. You can look for your number in the list below.
Please note that documentation changes are not counted as resolved issues, so if you reported an issue and it was resolved by a documentation change (e.g., by clarifying a step in a procedure), then it might not be included in this list.
The Work Item number is the number that was automatically assigned when the item was created in our product development system.
SR or IMS | Work Item | Description |
462204 | 1365259 | Improved the Refresh Device button in the Object Finder so that it will correctly show new tags after a tag integration source file has been updated. |
585807 | 1368260 | Improved the AutomationDirect Koyo (KOYO) communication driver and tag integration to add support for custom ports, in case the connected PLC does not use the protocol's default port. |
1892197 | 59102 | Improved the Trend Control object in Mobile Access so that it consistently draws values when using Trend worksheet is configured to use History Format either as Proprietary or as Database. |
52910155 | 40556 | Improved stability of the project development environment when opening multiple symbol properties by double-clicking errors in the Output window. |
60115484, 951174194 | 54350 | Improved internationalization support in the Grid Control object. |
60115768 | 43082 | Corrected the OPC XML Client so that it can subscribe, read, and write items. |
60117424 | 52510 | Improved internationalization support in PC Demo. |
60117675 | 52508 | Improved error message when LDAP SSL is improperly configured: "LDAP server unreachable. Please try to import the AD server certificate and use the server name instead of IP address for SSL connections." |
60117805 | 53067 | Corrected graphics proportion when using Resize parameter in the Open() built-in function. |
60117876 | 53330 | Improved security system stability. |
60117899 | 53940 | Enhanced Event Logger with option to not log tag quality changes on the Event Logger. |
60118087 | 57343 | Improved VBScript comments parsing to prevent duplication of text in specific scenarios. |
60118088 | 56894 | Improved Embedded HMI runtime startup to support non-existent tags in the Startup Script. |
60613751 | 41880 | Improved Redundant Database Synchronization reliability in high load scenarios when Primary Database Server transitions from offline to online. |
60613751 | 50002 | Improved Redundant Database Synchronization for large data sets after one of the databases has been offline. |
74110197 | 55785 | Updated the Thin Client software installer (ThinClientSetup.exe) to include missing libraries. |
76310953, 951187579 | 43024 | The SecureViewerReload() built-in function now works as documented. |
76310958 | 43025 | Improved resizing of screen objects so that the aspect ratio of each object is maintained. |
76311185 | 52857 | Improved zoom in and out transitions of Mobile Access screens on an iOS device. |
76311185 | 57868 | Improved Mobile Access screen navigation on mobile devices when using zoom. |
80910196 | 42736 | Disabled the shortcut menu when right-clicking on the Project Symbols leaf in the Graphics tab of the Project Explorer. |
80910363 | 55904 | Improved robustness of the TCP protocol to prevent data loss when using Compact HMI. |
198110555 | 53939 | Enhanced the Command animation ($open function) to continue working even if tags are added to the tags database while the project is running. |
402110899 | 56420 | Enabled the Bring Forward and Send Backward menu items in the shortcut (right-click) menu when editing a project screen. |
951175504 | 40560 | Improved robustness of the Trend Control object when there is date/time inconsistency in the proprietary history file. |
951182351 | 55256 | Improved the Trend Control object to show continuous lines when using LocalTime+TimeDifference configuration. |
951182812 | 43523 | Improved stability of TCP/IP Client runtime task when using redundant servers. |
951184646 | 49819 | Alarm comment is not missed when editing comment and another alarm is generated. |
951184830 | 52408 | Improve stability of LDAP runtime. |
951185080 | 49776 | All task worksheets (Alarm, Trend Logger, Math, Scheduler, Database/ERP) now prevent users from pasting information when filter is active. |
951185332 | 50276 | Corrected data loss condition when using database redundancy and the primary database server is offline. |
951185725 | 52507 | Trend duration supports more flexible time format and does not require the leading zero for the hour field. The following time formats are supported: 00:00:00 and 0:00:00 . |
951185840 | 1298660 | Improved CoDeSys tag integration to correctly show I/O tags on the connected PLC. |
951187154 | 52164 | Linked Picture object can be opened in Mobile Access when the Link File field is empty. |
951187545 | 52126 | Improved the behavior of the Rotation animation on a group of objects, or on a part of a Linked Symbol, when the screen is resized. |
951187685 | 52512 | Improved OPC UA tag integration to support class members. |
951188001 | 52372 | Improved Compact HMI memory management. |
951188868 | 53925 | Enhanced the Document Replace tool ( ) to change texts and tag names in Linked Symbol custom properties. |
951190141 | 55204 | Improved the If() built-in function when used on Mobile Access, so that only the valid expression is executed when a function call is a parameter in the If() built-in function. |
951190779 | 55821 | Improved Mobile Access logon when using Google Chrome on Android devices. |
951191337 | 56306 | Improved the Project Tags Datasheet View so that the focus goes to the next cell instead of the filter cell at the top of the sheet. |
951191369 | 56419 | Improved Studio Database Gateway logs to show the correct path for the Wonderware Historian connection. |
951191550, 951192609 | 57058 | Improved Embedded HMI and Compact HMI so that the Viewer will load the application screens correctly when ScalePopupOnResize option is present in the application settings. |
951192101 | 56731 | Resolved an intermittent issue in the Native Viewer when adding a tag “Object Finder” to the Watch window on a project using Industrial Graphics and with security system disabled. |
951192347 | 57005 | Corrected Scheduler worksheet so that a worksheet item with Event column set to CALENDAR will wait until its date and time to execute instead of executing right after the project is run. |
960006979 | 58771 | Enhanced Remote Management to download the Industrial Graphics folder to the target station. |
Other Issues Resolved During Development
These are other issues that we identified and resolved during product development.
Again, the Work Item number is the number that was automatically assigned when the item was created in our product development system.
Type | Work Item | Description |
User Story | 50205 | Enhanced the OPC UA Client so that it supports the use of a string expression (e.g., {TagName} ) for the Connection setting. |
User Story | 50359 | Enhanced IoT View so that it supports Event Logger. |
User Story | 50360 | Enhanced Mobile Access so that it supports saving alarm history and events to Proprietary format (i.e., to proprietary history files). |
User Story | 53938 | Enhanced Output windows so that you can double-click an error message to automatically open the screen and the object properties where the error is happening, for project screens with spaces in their names. |
User Story | 54374 | Enhanced the Trend Control object on Mobile Access to support indirect tags. |
User Story | 54460 | Enhanced IoT View so that it supports saving events to Proprietary and Database formats (i.e., to proprietary history files and external databases). |
User Story | 55051 | Enhanced Global Procedures so that you can declare VBScript classes and variables in procedures. |
User Story | 55103 | Enhanced Main Driver Sheet so that the read rate is triggered for each configured driver. |
User Story | 55105 | Added an option to force tag timestamps to update for every driver read request even if the tag value has not changed. |
User Story | 55330 | Improved Mobile Access ProbeHealth to report when memory limit is reached. |
User Story | 55866 | Enhanced IoT View to support access the description of class members using the syntax TagName.MemberName->Description . |
User Story | 56261 | Corrected the behavior of the Auto option for the Built-in Dialogs Scale setting, when built-in dialog boxes are displayed in the Viewer at different resolutions. |
User Story | 57019 | You can now archive your project to a .zip file. |
User Story | 57878 | Industrial Graphics now supports arrays of classes and array index 0. |
User Story | 58052 | Enhance the Mobile App to support the elastic visual effect when using zoom and scroll. |
User Story | 58150 | Modified the EncryptData() and DecryptData() built-in functions to allow strings using the project's Data Protection settings to perform these operations when the second parameter, strKey, is not passed. |
User Story | 59452 | Enhanced IoT View so that it now supports the following alarm-related tag properties: HiHiLimit, HiLimit, LoLimit, LoLoLimit, HiHi, Hi, Lo, LoLo, AlrStatus, Ack, and Unack. |
User Story | 60289 | Enhanced the Event Logger so that events on IoT View are logged based on the settings in the Event Logger. |
Defect | 52560 | Improve stability of LDAP runtime. |
Defect | 53919 | Enhanced IoT View so that on startup pre-configured tag field values are loaded into the respective tag fields (TagName->Description , TagName->Min , TagName->Min , and TagName->Max ). |
Defect | 53921 | IoT View now enforces a tag's Min and Max properties to determine the quality of a tag. When the tag value is outside of the Min/Max range, the quality of the tag is set to BAD. |
Defect | 54593 | Corrected the Alarm/Event Control object to not acknowledge alarms on Mobile Access when opening screens, if a tag is configured in the “Ack all trigger”. |
Defect | 54627 | Improved performance of the Trend Control object. |
Defect | 54951 | Improved Mobile Access Task memory management. |
Defect | 54955 | Corrected the Trend Control object so that it updates after changing the duration when using online tags. |
Defect | 55321 | Improved the Trend Control object so that it consistently sends queries to server and reads the values. |
Defect | 55371 | Improved the Trend Control object to support time-only fields and not require the date to be specified. |
Defect | 55863 | Enhanced ordinary indirect tags on IoT View to support class members and tag properties. |
Defect | 56230 | Improved run-time stability of the project security system. |
Defect | 56727 | Improved robustness of the Industrial Graphics symbol editor when editing a script in a project that does not contain any HMI tags. |
Defect | 58991 | Improved Embedded HMI to support the use of a tag in the Condition field of a Datatabase/ERP worksheet. |
Defect | 59816 | Enhanced accessibility to the Edit Custom Colors menu item in the shortcut (right-click) menu when using Shape properties. |
Defect | 60021 | Enhanced the Keypad() built-in function so that real numbers for Min and Max are supported when using Mobile Access and IoT View. |
Defect | 60022 | Improved Mobile Access so that you can clear a String tag when using a Text or Text Box object. |
Installation Guide
This is a brief guide to installing the full InduSoft Web Studio 2020 software.
Upgrading from a Previous Version
If you are upgrading to InduSoft Web Studio 2020 R2 from a previous version, please note the following recommendations.
You can have more than one major version of InduSoft Web Studio installed on the same computer, because each major version is installed in its own appropriately named program folder. For example, this major version is InduSoft Web Studio 2020, so by default it is installed in the following location on your hard drive:
C:\Program Files (x86)\AVEVA\InduSoft Web Studio 2020
Many users keep a previous major version installed on their computer while they become familiar with the changes in the latest major version. You can run only one version at a time, however, so you should remove the previous version when you no longer need it.
You cannot have more than one minor version of InduSoft Web Studio installed on the same computer. A major version includes all of its minor versions — i.e., its subsequent updates, patches, and hot fixes — and they are all installed in the same location on your hard drive.
If you already have InduSoft Web Studio 2020 installed on your computer and you want to update it to its latest minor version, we actually recommend that you remove the software from your computer and then use the latest installer to perform a clean installation. Removing the software will not affect your software license, and it will not modify or remove your projects folder, so there is no risk in doing this. To remove the software, you can use the Apps & features control panel in Windows. You can also use the Modify, Repair, Remove feature in the previous version's installer, if you still have it on your computer.
When you upgrade from a previous major version to the latest major version, you also need to upgrade your software license(s). To purchase a license upgrade, contact your InduSoft Web Studio software distributor. To apply that upgrade to the software, use the Protection Manager utility that is installed with the software ( ). For more information about licensing, see InduSoft Web Studio 2020 Help Manual.
If you do not upgrade your software license(s), you can still run the software in its full-featured Evaluation Mode for up to 40 hours. After that time expires, however, you can only run the software in its limited Demo Mode.
When you update a major version to its latest minor version, you do not need to update your software license(s). The license is for the major version, so it includes all of the subsequent updates, patches, and hot fixes for that major version.
Finally, when you open an existing project for the first time in a new version of InduSoft Web Studio, that project is automatically and permanently updated to the new version. This is true regardless of whether you have upgraded your software license(s). Therefore, you should back up your existing projects before you open them in the new version. Each major version of the software creates a corresponding projects folder (e.g., InduSoft Web Studio 2020 Projects) in your user directory, so you can simply copy (not move) your projects from the old projects folder to the new projects folder.
System Requirements
This section describes the system requirements and additional considerations for installing InduSoft Web Studio 2020.
To install and run the full InduSoft Web Studio software, you must have the following:
- A Windows-compatible computer with a standard keyboard, a pointer input (i.e., a mouse, trackpad, or touchscreen), and an SVGA-minimum display;
One of the following Windows operating systems:
- Windows 10, version 1803 or later (including LTSC/LTSB versions)
- Windows 8.1
Windows Server:
- Windows Server 2019
- Windows Server 2016
- Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Embedded Standard:
- Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (LTSC/LTSB version only)
- Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro
- .NET Framework 3.5 and .NET Framework 4.8 (or later);
- Internet Explorer 11;
- Minimum 2 GB available storage (hard drive or non-volatile);
- Minimum 1 GB available memory (RAM); and
- An Ethernet or Wi-Fi network adapter.
We recommend the "Pro" and "Enterprise" editions of Windows, because they include Internet Information Services (IIS) as a pre-installed feature that can be turned on. You can use IIS to make your projects accessible to thin clients and mobile devices. We do not recommend the "Home" and "Education" editions of Windows, because they hide or disable many important features.
Only Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, and Windows Server 2019 are under what Microsoft calls "mainstream support", which means they are actively maintained and additional service packs might be released for them in the future. Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 are under what Microsoft calls "extended support", which means they are no longer actively maintained. For more information, go to:
You can install the full InduSoft Web Studio software on a Windows Embedded Standard device, as long as it meets the system requirements listed above, but if you do not plan to develop projects on that device then you should install Embedded HMI instead. Embedded HMI is the runtime edition for Windows Embedded Standard. For more information, see InduSoft Web Studio 2020 Help Manual.
Regardless of which version or edition of Windows you are using, make sure it is fully updated before you install InduSoft Web Studio. Updating Windows ensures that it has all of the latest security fixes and system components.
The operating system, storage, and memory requirements will necessarily increase for larger projects; the minimum requirements listed above are only for projects of up to 4,000 tags. The following table shows the complete requirements:
Project Size | Operating System | Storage | Memory |
up to 4,000 tags | Windows, Windows Server, Windows Embedded Standard | 2 GB available | 1 GB available |
up to 64,000 tags | Windows, Windows Server | 4 GB available | 2 GB available |
up to 10 million tags | Windows Server only (multi-core) | 8 GB available | 4 GB available |
Your computer needs to meet only the minimum requirements when you first install the software and begin to develop your project, but the requirements will increase as your project grows. Furthermore, every other Windows computer on which you plan to download and run your project must meet the same requirements.
The following items are optional but recommended:
A USB port, to install the software from a USB flash drive.
This item is optional because you can also download the installer over the network to your computer.
A USB port or memory card slot, to be used for hardkey licensing of the software.
This item is optional because softkey licensing is also available.
Serial COM ports and adapters, to be used for direct communication with PLCs and other devices.
This item is optional because many newer device protocols use Ethernet communication (TCP or UDP) instead of serial communication.
Internet Information Services (IIS) installed and turned on. IIS is the default web server for Windows.
This item is optional because it is not required to develop a basic project and then run it on a standalone device. It is required in order to use more advanced features, however.
In most cases it is required in order to install and then use Mobile Access, but you may choose not to install the Mobile Access Runtime feature at this time. You can install it at a later time, for either IIS or CGI. For more information, see the Mobile Access Runtime feature in the "Selectable Features" section.
It is required in order to run projects that include Industrial Graphics symbols.
Either Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome, to be used for viewing project screens in Mobile Access.
To get Microsoft Edge, go to:
To get Google Chrome, go to:
This item is optional because you can still use our traditional Web Thin Client to view project screens, and it requires Internet Explorer.
Finally, you must have administrator privileges on your computer in order to install any software. If you are not already signed on as a user with administrator privileges when you run the InduSoft Web Studio software installer, you can choose to run the installer as an administrator: right-click the installer program file (setup.exe), and then on the shortcut menu, click Run as administrator. You will be asked for the appropriate user name and password.
.NET Framework
You must have both .NET Framework 3.5 and .NET Framework 4.8 (or later) turned on in order to install and run InduSoft Web Studio.
If Windows is fully updated on your computer then the latest versions of .NET Framework should be installed already, but they might not be turned on. In fact, in recent versions of Windows and Windows Server, .NET Framework 3.5 is turned off by default. Use either the Windows Features control panel in Windows, or the Server Manager console in Windows Server, to confirm that both versions of .NET Framework are turned on before you install the software.
In some cases, it might not be possible to keep Windows fully updated through normal means. For example, if your computer is on a private network without access to the Internet, it might not be able to contact the Windows Update service. You can use another computer to download an offline installer for .NET Framework 3.5 and then copy it to your computer.
For more information about how to install and/or turn on .NET Framework 3.5, go to:
For more information about .NET Framework in general, go to:
Selectable Features
On the Select Features page of the InduSoft Web Studio installation wizard, you can select which features and software components to install. If you deselect features that you know you will not use, you will decrease the amount of hard drive space required for installation.
Feature | Description |
Program Files |
The main program files for the project development environment, the project runtime software for Windows and Windows Server, and the thin client software for viewing project screens. You cannot deselect this feature. |
BDE for PanelMate™ Import Wizard |
Borland Database Engine (BDE), which is required to import a PanelMate Plus or PanelMate Power Pro program into a new project. This feature is not selected by default, because it is used only in some cases. |
Custom Widget Framework |
Additional software that is required to develop HTML5-based widgets and then use them in project screens. You cannot deselect this feature. |
Demo Projects |
Pre-made projects that demonstrate the capabilities of InduSoft Web Studio. |
Hardkey Support |
Additional drivers that support the use of hardkey licenses. |
Industrial Graphics |
The Industrial Graphics editor and symbol library, which works as a companion to our native graphics tools. |
Mobile Access Runtime |
Add-on software for Internet Information Services (IIS) that lets you use HTML5-compatible browsers to view your project screens. If you select this feature, the installer will try to confirm that IIS is installed and turned on in Windows, and if it is, the add-on software will be installed. Regardless of whether you select this feature for installation, a separate Mobile Access Runtime software installer (MobileAccessSetup.exe) will be copied to your InduSoft Web Studio 2020 program folder. You can run that installer at a later time. |
OPC Components |
Additional components that are required for communication with other OPC-compatible devices. This includes OPC DA (a.k.a. OPC Classic), OPC XML-DA, and OPC UA. |
PDF Printing |
Additional software that lets projects save run-time reports as PDF files. |
This is the platform-agnostic project runtime software for Linux and other operating systems. Selecting this feature will not actually install IoT View on your computer at this time. It will only copy the installation files to your InduSoft Web Studio 2020 program folder, so that you can install IoT View on another computer at a later time. |
Also called Embedded HMI, this is the project runtime software for Windows Embedded Standard computers. Selecting this feature will not actually install Embedded HMI on your computer at this time. It will only copy the installation files to your InduSoft Web Studio 2020 program folder, so that you can install Embedded HMI on a Windows Embedded Standard computer at a later time. |
Also called Compact HMI, this is the project runtime software for Windows Embedded Compact devices. Check the manufacturer's documentation for your device to see which processor it uses. Selecting this feature will not actually install Compact HMI on your computer at this time. It will only copy the installation files to your InduSoft Web Studio 2020 program folder, so that you can install Compact HMI on a Windows Embedded Compact device at a later time. |
Security System Device Driver |
An additional keyboard driver that helps to enforce security during project run time. |
Symbol Library |
A large library of pre-made but customizable screen objects such as pushbuttons, toggle switches, gauges, dials, indicator lights, and so on. |
Historian |
Additional software that is required to save historical data (e.g., from Trend worksheets) to AVEVA Historian or AVEVA Insight. If you want to use this feature in your project, you must have .NET Framework 4.8 (or later) installed and turned on. |
Items Added to the Start Menu
This is a list of the items that are added to your Start menu during the installation of InduSoft Web Studio.
Item | Description |
InduSoft Web Studio 2020 Help Manual | A complete technical reference and user guide for InduSoft Web Studio and its components. |
InduSoft Web Studio 2020 Quick Start Guide | A brief, printable guide to the project development environment, including a step-by-step tutorial for how to develop and deploy a simple project. |
InduSoft Web Studio 2020 Register | A utility program that you can use to view and change your software license settings. |
InduSoft Web Studio 2020 Release Notes | The document that you are reading now. |
InduSoft Web Studio 2020 Remote Agent | A utility program that lets other stations remotely manage InduSoft Web Studio 2020 Studio when it is being used as a project runtime. |
InduSoft Web Studio 2020 Startup | A shortcut that opens the project runtime and then automatically runs the most recently opened project. |
InduSoft Web Studio 2020 Studio | The project development environment, project runtime and/or project viewer. Its actual capabilities are determined by your software license settings. |
The software installer also creates a shortcut for InduSoft Web Studio 2020 Studio on your desktop.
Possible Issues During Installation
This section describes issues that might occur during the installation of InduSoft Web Studio.
Not Compatible with Previous Versions of System Platform
InduSoft Web Studio 2020 R2 is not compatible with versions of System Platform previous to AVEVA™ System Platform 2020 R2, because the Industrial Graphics feature in InduSoft Web Studio 2020 R2 uses some of the same components that are used in System Platform. If you want to install InduSoft Web Studio 2020 R2 on the same computer, you must either uninstall the previous version of System Platform or upgrade it to AVEVA™ System Platform 2020 R2.
"Failed to complete script based install"
You might receive the following message during installation: "Error 1628: Failed to complete script based install." For more information about this issue and how to resolve it, go to:
"CodeMeter Development Kit is already installed"
If you try to install an earlier version of InduSoft Web Studio on a computer that already has a later version installed, you might receive the following message during installation: "Version x.x.x.x of CodeMeter Development Kit is already installed. Downgrading to Version x.x.x.x is not possible, installation will be aborted." CodeMeter is supplemental software used by InduSoft Web Studio to manage hardkey licenses. To resolve this issue, you must use Task Manager in Windows to stop CodeMeter Runtime Server (CodeMeter.exe) before you install the earlier version of InduSoft Web Studio.
Restore from a System Restore point
If the installation fails for any reason, you can use the System Restore feature in Windows to revert your computer to a previous restore point. For more information, go to:
Where To Find More Information
After you have installed InduSoft Web Studio, you can find more information at the following places.
Documentation Installed with the Software
The following documentation is installed in the InduSoft Web Studio program folder, which means you do not need an Internet connection to access it:
- InduSoft Web Studio 2020 R2 Release Notes
The document that you are reading now. These notes are revised for each update (e.g., version 20.0.1), but not for each patch (e.g., version
To open the Release Notes from the Start menu in Windows, go to
.To open the Release Notes from within the project development environment, go to the Help tab of the ribbon and then click Release Notes.
Assuming InduSoft Web Studio is installed at its default location on your hard drive, the actual file for the Release Notes is located at:
C:\Program Files (x86)\AVEVA\InduSoft Web Studio 2020\ReadMe.html
- InduSoft Web Studio 2020 Help Manual
The Help Manual provides comprehensive and searchable help for the project development environment, instructions for how to develop and deploy projects, and complete descriptions of all of our built-in functions.
To open the Help Manual from the Start menu in Windows, go to
.To open the Help Manual from within the project development environment, go to the Help tab of the ribbon and then click Help.
Assuming InduSoft Web Studio is installed at its default location on your hard drive, the actual file for the Help Manual is located at:
C:\Program Files (x86)\AVEVA\InduSoft Web Studio 2020\Bin\TechRef.chm
- InduSoft Web Studio 2020 Quick Start Guide
The Quick Start Guide provides a tour of the project development environment, descriptions of essential concepts, and a tutorial for how to develop a simple project. All of this information is included in the Help Manual, but it is organized and presented differently in the Quick Start Guide in order to make it easier for you to access.
To open the Quick Start Guide from the Start menu in Windows, go to
.Assuming InduSoft Web Studio is installed at its default location on your hard drive, the actual file for the Quick Start Guide is located at:
C:\Program Files (x86)\AVEVA\InduSoft Web Studio 2020\Bin\QuickStart.pdf
- Driver documents
Each communication driver has its own document that describes the protocol used by the driver, how to configure the communication settings for the driver, how to format station IDs and I/O addresses in driver worksheets, and any other technical requirements for connected devices.
To open a specific driver document from within the project development environment, go to the Help tab of the ribbon and then click Communication Drivers.
Assuming InduSoft Web Studio is installed at its default location on your hard drive, the actual files for the driver documents are located at:
C:\Program Files (x86)\AVEVA\InduSoft Web Studio 2020\Drv\<driver name>.pdf
For example, the driver document for our basic Modbus driver (MODBU) is MODBU.pdf.
If you download an updated driver package from our website, that package should include an updated driver document.
- License
The License document provides legal information regarding your license to use InduSoft Web Studio. You are asked to agree to this document when you install the software.
Assuming InduSoft Web Studio is installed at its default location on your hard drive, the license document is located at:
C:\Program Files (x86)\AVEVA\InduSoft Web Studio 2020\License.pdf
- Copyright
The Copyright document provides legal information regarding the copyrights on all of the third-party software that is incorporated into InduSoft Web Studio. You are asked to agree to this document when you install the software.
Assuming InduSoft Web Studio is installed at its default location on your hard drive, the copyright document is located at:
C:\Program Files (x86)\AVEVA\InduSoft Web Studio 2020\Copyright.pdf
Demo Projects Installed with the Software
When you install the InduSoft Web Studio software, several demo projects are also installed at the following location:
C:\Users\Public\Documents\InduSoft Web Studio 2020 Demo
These projects demonstrate many of the features in InduSoft Web Studio. You can open any of them to see how objects are used in screens, how functions are used in scripts, and so on.
Additional Resources
The following resources are also available:
- Documentation
A library of product documentation (including previous versions) and technical notes.
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- Training Videos
Our in-depth training videos that cover many common tasks in developing, deploying, and troubleshooting projects.
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